
There are no actions available when clicking the action button on an entry within the grid.

Describe the problem as the user would experience it. For example "Level 7 printer is flashing red and wont print".


Out of the possible explanations this is one that the users most commonly overlook.

  1.  Go to the Modules tab. 
  2.  Select the appropriate module for which no actions appear.
  3.  Go to the Workflows tab.
  4.  Select the workflow to be edited.
  5.  Select Next.
  6.  Here you can edit or add available actions by selecting Edit or +add.
  7.  After editing or adding any actions select OK to save changes to the action.
  8.  Select Next.
  9.  Either select the Edit  button to edit an existing action or select +add to add a new action.
  10.  Select the action defined previously and set the 'from' and 'to' states.
  11.  Select the Permissions tab and enable access to the specified users.
  12.  Select Save.
  13.  The actions will now be available in the grid view.

Provide steps that the user can take to solve the problem. For example "The level 7 printer will flash red when it is out of paper. Add paper to tray 1".

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