How to use Custom JavaScript function within a Workflow Subaction(Advanced)
Custom JavaScript is able to be used in a high-level way within the Subactions of the Workflow
- Select Module in the top left banner then select the appropriate module name link.
- Select the appropriate module for which the Subaction JavaScript is needed.
- Select the Workflows tab, followed by the relevant workflow.
- Select the Actions tab, followed by the Action to be customized.
- Select the Subactions tab, on the right side of the assignment expression, paste the code below to assign a field value to the total number of days since submitted.
(The below code requires that the time being compared against be customDateTime1)
Example - Days since Submitted
{(function(){var one_day=1000*60*60*24 * 1.0; var date1_ms = new Date('%(submittedOn)%').getTime();var date2_ms = new Date('%(customDateTime1)%').getTime();var diffDays = Math.ceil(date2_ms - date1_ms) / one_day;return diffDays;})()}
Example - Week from Submitted
var submittedOn = new Date('%(submittedOn)%');
var submittedPlus7 = new Date(submittedOn);
submittedPlus7.setDate(submittedPlus7.getDate() + 7);
return submittedPlus7.toISOString();
}) ()}
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