Inventory Audit Demo

Inventory Audit Demo

Complete cycle counts and one-off inventory samples.



New Requests



  • Red indicates required field



  • Each drop down is customizable


  • Material specific details are auto populated based on lookups connected to Client master data


  • Users can enter comments that may assist the auditor or provide additional details for the request


New Request Email Example

  • Each new request will generate a confirmation email to the requester


Admin Roles have the ability to add other specific users or roles for each type of email in Workflow settings


  • Additional Recipients can also be added for each specific request


Open Requests



  • System Inventory will auto populate based on lookups connected to Client master data


  • For the demo Module this field is manually entered so users can experiment with different scenarios 



  • Once Physical Counts / Comments are added, users have the option to: 

    • Complete request

    • Cancel request

    • Save until later


  • If Cancelled, users will be required to provide the reason / details


Complete and Cancelled Email Examples

  • Each time a request enters a different state, such as CompleteCancelled, Workflow notifications will be sent to the requester and other assigned recipients




Admin Roles have the ability to add other specific users or roles for each type of email in Workflow settings



Inventory Count - Submitter

Responsible for submitting Inventory Counts.

Inventory Count - Counter

Responsible for counting Inventory Count requests.

Tenant Admin

Has access to add Users, Roles, permissions, and create / update settings for all Modules

Module Admin

Has access to add Users, Roles, permissions, and create / update settings for a specific Module

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