Getting Started

Welcome to the StrataFlows application. StrataFlows offers a unique set of processes known as modules that help manufacturers and suppliers optimize their material flow and deal with material flow exceptions and disruptions. The steps below document how to configure and use your StrataFlows site.

Get Registered

Register your company’s account at this link. You likely already completed this step before reading these instructions.

Orient Yourself

Overview – Familiarize yourself with StrataFlows' layout by reading our Overview page.

Orient Your End-Users

Orient End-Users – Use this End-User Help to orient yourself, and eventually your users, to StrataFlows.

Module Selection

Select Modules – Select which modules you want to use. Learn more about our modules by clicking on the links on our Modules page.

Configure Form Choices

Lookups – Configure form dropdown choices through the lookup lists for use within your forms as dropdown fields by following the steps on our Lookups page. You have the option to import Parts, Departments, and other such information the modules use from an Excel file by seeing the instructions in the import information section of the Lookups page.

Configure Users and Roles

Users and Roles – Configure which users will access the system and the Roles they are in. To ensure users and roles are configured correctly, login as a user in the respective Roles to observe the options available to them. Learn more on the Users and Roles page.

Customize Views and Alerts

Views and Alerts – Customize views to change what is visible on a module’s grid. Learn how to use alerts to notify users of changes by leveraging Views and Alerts.

Tailor Settings

Settings – Custom the colors, logos, and other settings with the Systems Settings page.