

StrataFlows Specific Documentation

If you are looking for StrataFlows documentation, it is here

This page introduces the core aspects of the Stratawise application.  Note that this is not an exact reflection of what you will see when you log in as Stratawise is tailorable and has a large variation in possible uses. As such, each customer often has a unique set of processes, known as modules. Stratawise is a multi-tenant, cloud-hosted, SaaS application.  Each customer's account can be customized with different colors and icons


Modules allow each customer's individual Stratawise account to be used for multiple purposes. Users with permission to view multiple modules can switch between the modules they've created by clicking on its name in the screen's upper left. 


The grid displays current and past information in a manner that allows for searching and filtering as well as performing actions upon individual requests. In its most basic form, a grid will consist of an "Id" to differentiate each entry, a "State" to show what workflow state each individual entry is in, the name of a user the entry is associated with, and workflow action buttons. However, even these basic ways, modules are customizable


Stratawise allows for the addition of many users with a wide range of possible permissions. The level of permission possessed by users will determine the number of modules they are able to view and which actions they are able to take. 


Forms allow users to create or edit individual entries on the grid by clicking on New Request and filling in a form entry. 

The image above shows an entry form presented to users after clicking "New Request." Fields within the form include numeric entry fields, select entry fields, text entry fields, and others. 


The workflow shows the progression of each entry in the grid through a number of states. This is demonstrated by the "State" column. The "Action" column contains three buttons:

  •  allows users to move requests through workflow states.
  •  allows users to edit the corresponding requests. 
  •  allows users to print the corresponding request. 


The View dropdown menu allows users to customize and save grid layouts for later reference. 


Lookups are fields in which the choice of values is shown in a dropdown and where that list comes from a separately maintained set of values the administrator enters or imports from another system.  From the column header within the grid, it is possible to filter a lookup field as shown in the image above.