Field not showing in grid.

Field not showing in grid.


Field is not visible within the grid view.


Check that it is included on the form and that is isn't unchecked within the grid menu.

If a field does not show in the grid:

  1. All fields should be created first in the Field List.
  2. Once created in the master form, the field has to also be added to the Default form.
  3. The grid menu can be used to hide/show fields in the grid.  The grid menu is accessible from the upper-right corner of the grid.  Drop down the grid menu and check that the field you wish to show has a checkbox next to it, if it does not, check it.
  4. If a field also does not show in the grid menu, the option in the field definition, Show in Grid, may not be checked either at the Field List or Default form level.

          -If you have double checked the above points and the field is still not visible, please contact Stratawise Support-

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