How to: Logically show/hide grouped sections
How to: Logically show/hide grouped sections
Step-by-step guide
- Select Module in the top left banner then select the appropriate module name link.
- Select the Forms tab then select the Default name link.
- Select the drop down to the right of Palette, and select Separator.
- Drag and drop the Section Start from the Palette on the right to the form Canvas on the left.
(This begins the section for the grouping) - On the Section Start within the Canvas select the wrench icon in the top right to edit.
- Select the Check Box "Apply Display and Read Only conditions to this entire section."
- Set the Display Condition by typing a conditional statement using JavaScript.
(Example- " form.data.<Control-InternalNameHere> === '<Control-ValueHere>' " )
(Example- " form.data.customSelectList1 === 'SelectedListValue' " ) - Then drag and drop the Section End from the Palette on the right to the form Canvas on the left placing it below the Section Start.
(This ends the section for the grouping) - Check to make sure the form items you would like to be in the section group are between the Section Start and Section End.
- Select Save in the upper right, the controls within the section will only be visible when the Display Condition statement is true.
(Such as a check box form control containing selected(checked), or a check box form control not containing selected(checked))
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